Several years ago, the Advent Lutheran Church up in Mill Creek bought some juniper timbers from us to make several raised planter beds for a garden they were starting. The produce from the garden was then contributed to a local soup kitchen. The garden was such a success that this year they began to talk about expanding.

community gardening

By some coincidence I ended up running into several of the ladies who are in charge of the church's garden upkeep at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show back in February. They recognized Dunn DIY as associated with Dunn Lumber and told me about the new planter beds. They mentioned that they had received a small discount before and asked if it would be possible this time around. I told them that I would see what I could do and left them with my card.

Thanks to some opportunities that Dunn DIY has opened up and to the big heart of Dunn Lumber, we were able to give a generous discount to the church. In return we got the privilege of making the trip up to Mill Creek to see their work and to snap some photos to share with you guys.

We visited the garden while a Girl Scout troop was volunteering their time to help with some planting. They were planting onions in one of the beds and potatoes in bags to stop bugs from eating them. One of the potatoes was planted in our reusable shopping bags from the Garden Show!

kids in community garden

diy planter boxes

digging in community garden

It’s clear that this garden takes a lot of work and that everyone lends a hand from the kindergarten class (who have their own garden bed) on up. The hard work and dedication of this church to provide fresh, healthy food for people in need is absolutely incredible. It was such a blessing to be able to be a part of the gift that they’re giving and to help them impact their community.

We wish them the best in their gardening endeavors and hope that this year is a fruitful one!

(Want to build your own planter box? Don't miss our step-by-step guide!)