Step 1: Make your Cuts
Begin by using a chop saw to cut the 2x4s into pieces:
Cut seven pieces that are 14¼” long.
Cut two pieces that are 20½” long.
Cut one piece that is 17½” long.
Step 2: Sand
Lightly sand the edges and surfaces of the 2x4s with a sanding sponge to reduce splinters.
Step 3: Dry Fit
Do a dry fit of all the pieces together, and trim as needed to ensure a snug fit.
Here's how you should position the pieces together:
- The 17½” piece will be the bottom support beam in the middle of the five 14¼” top pieces. Use a couple of scrap pieces to help balance these pieces as you work.
- The four remaining pieces (two 14¼” pieces and two 20½” pieces) will frame the five 14¼” top pieces.
Step 4: Create a Guide for Drilling
Using a straight edge or a carpenter square, lightly trace a line across the middle of the five top boards. This will be your guide for drilling. Check that your bottom piece is centered underneath this line.
Step 5: Drill in Place
With a 3/32” drill bit, start pre-drilling along the line, putting two holes in each board. As you go, use the frame pieces as a way to keep the middle boards squared off and as close to each other as possible. Secure with 2½” screws.
Flip the boards upside down and position the frame around the middle boards. Pre-drill and attach the shorter sides of the frame with four 2½” screws.
Position the longer frame pieces and pre-drill for a total of nine screws in each: two through the ends of each perpendicular frame piece, and one into each 2x4 in the middle. This will keep these middle boards from wobbling and putting too much pressure on those middle screws.
Step 6: Stain
It's time to stain! Start by laying down a drop cloth. I like to use a fabric drop cloth when I’m working with stain because it absorbs the stain instead of spreading it around like a plastic drop cloth does.
With a rag, or a bristle or foam brush, apply a coat of wood stain to the top and sides, following the directions on the side of the can. We used Daly’s interior wood stain in "Early American."(This is the same stain we used on our gas pipe storage solution project.) Wipe off excess stain if necessary.
Step 7: Add Casters
This next step is optional: we’ll be adding wheels/casters to the bottom the firewood holder so that it can be easily moved. After the stain has had some time to dry, flip the stand upside down and position the casters making sure they’re far enough away from the sides to spin freely. Mark the holes for the screws with a pencil. Pre-drill and attach casters with 1¼” screws.
Once the wheels are attached, turn the wood holder right-side-up again and put some scrap 2x4s underneath to keep it from rolling away.
Step 8: Clean Gas Pipes
Now it's time to clean the pipes. Gas pipes are covered in a black film that rubs off on everything, so wear a pair of gloves. Remove the plastic caps and any stickers from the pipes. With a damp cloth and Barkeeper’s Friend cleaner, rub the pipes clean. Wipe off excess cleaner with a fresh, wet cloth.
Step 9: Assemble the Gas Pipes
We went through a complex system of figuring out exactly where the flanges should be placed and attaching them first, but after laying in bed that night thinking it over I realized a much simpler way, so here you go: Just attach all the pipe pieces to the elbow and T-connectors, and the flanges separately from the wood base. Refer to the graphic in step 10 to help you assemble the pipes.
The 12” pipe goes in the middle attached to the ends of the T-connectors on either end.
Screw in the four 6” pipes to the sides of the two T-connectors.
The four elbows attach to the ends of the 6” pipes.
This is the top of the pipe frame. Center this on the base and mark where the pipe makes contact with the wood to use it as a reference later.
Screw the four 24” pipes into the elbows, and attach the flanges to the bottoms.
Now position the frame on the wooden base (use the guide of the pencil marks and/or a level to make sure all the legs are straight). With a pencil, mark the holes in the flanges for pre-drilling. Use 1¼” screws to secure flanges to wood.
Step 10: Enjoy!
You're finished! Now it's time to wrap this gift up. Or load it with logs and enjoy your new, sleek, firewood storage solution.
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