Last week Dunn DIY hosted a booth at the Seattle Home Show. The Home Show is filled with booths from various companies that relate in different ways to your home—from contractors and remodeling companies, to mattress and kitchen cutlery retailers. The show was three full days, and I was there pretty much the whole time. (Just to clarify, that’s a lot of standing time.)
Despite the time I spent on my feet, I had so much fun! I love interacting with Dunn Lumber customers. It gives me so much joy to hear how my family has become part of their lives, community, and history.
Lots of people came by our booth, and we got to introduce Dunn DIY to so many Seattleites!
Legacy of Trust
I was amazed at how the large majority of people immediately made the connection to Dunn Lumber. It’s so amazing to build on the foundation of trust that my family has been nurturing for five generations. Dunn DIY's connection to Dunn brought us immediate credibility with every person that we interacted with.
Often someone came up to the booth saying, “So I just had to ask, what is this?” And when it was explained that we weren’t actually trying to sell them something they were generally very confused. I don’t like seeing people on their guards so that you don’t make them buy something they don’t want, but how fun to break down that barrier and interact with the person to find out whether or not they are genuinely interested in what you have.
Dunn DIY Community
I absolutely loved answering questions about Dunn DIY and getting to share with them all that we’ve been doing over the last six months. Dunn DIY has been more than just a job. It has constantly been on my mind, my primary focus for the past six months. It’s so surreal to me that this little idea that my dad called me about back in February (when I was working the express checkout at our Bellevue store) has turned into an actual website and a quickly-growing community. I’m proud at what we as a company have already brought to pass, and I’m excited to see where this will lead us in the future.
I can’t wait until Dunn DIY becomes as much (and more) a part of the Seattle community as Dunn Lumber. I'm already envisioning the day when I get to interact with the DIY community on a daily basis through people that I meet on the street. Speaking of which, we handed out a lot of reusable Dunn DIY shopping bags. Let us know if you see them around!