This project is a spin off of a great post on Shanty 2 Chic.
Step 1
First off, using your miter saw cut the 1x4 into four different pieces: one 11 ¼" piece, one 9 ¾" piece, and two 3 ½" pieces. This will make up the front three sides and the bottom of the planter box. The 1x12 plank will be the back.
We forgot to drill holes in the bottom of the planter box until the end, but we recommend that you stop now and do that. With the 3/8" bit, drill four holes in the center of the 9 ¾" piece. This will help the water to drain and keep the wood from rotting.
Step 2
Fit the pieces together and place the corner braces. We used one on each end, two on the front and three on the back. With a pencil or your drill mark the brace holes on the sides of the planter box. Predrill the side pieces with the 1/8" bit, being careful not to drill through to the other side.
Step 3
Screw the braces to the four walls, and fit the pieces back together. Now mark the brace holes in the bottom of the planter box. Predrill. Before you fit the pieces back together, apply glue and wipe away excess. If not all the parts come into contact with each other don't worry about it! Screw the braces to the bottom of the box.
Step 4
Time for stain! We used Penofin exterior clear cedar stain because we had a gallon lying around from another project, but you can use any other exterior stain that you might have in a smaller quantity. Just be sure to follow the directions on the can and wipe off any excess.
If you're using this planter for your house numbers or a name now is the time to put that on. If you're using stick on house numbers, make sure that the stain is completely dry first. The numbers won't stick to the partially damp wood. Trust us.
Step 5
When the stain is dry you can grab your succulents, and some extra potting soil if needed and start planting.
Isn't it beautiful?