New year, new you

For a website created specifically to foster community and provide great information on DIY projects, we knew we had to address our usability concern immediately. The site took a long time to load, and often times it was hard to locate the most recent post. We spent some time rethinking how to organize content on the site, and decided to pin a featured post to the top, with a feed from the blog below. We hope you'll find it easier to navigate the site and explore our most recent projects.

We also redesigned our footer to include Dunn Lumber locations (because, naturally, we want you to visit our stores!). There is also a place to sign up for our newsletters, and a nice category list for you to find the kinds of projects you're looking for.

Feature upgrades

Print this project!

home improvement blog

We're really excited about this feature! Because your success truly is our success, we wanted to make it as simple as possible for you to complete a project. Now you can print the project and bring your materials list into your nearest Dunn Lumber location. Better yet, make an appointment with PASS (our Project Advice Scheduling System) and waste no time in making these projects yours!

Materials and Tools

Most (sometimes all) of our recommended materials and tools can be found at your local Dunn Lumber. In future projects, you'll be able click on the materials and tools and you'll be taken to a Dunn Lumber product page. This way, you can add materials and tools to your own shopping cart, and pick up your order at your local Dunn!

Keep in touch

What do you think of DunnDIY 2.0? We're always trying to improve the online experience for our Dunn DIYers. If you have any comments or suggestions, be sure to fill out our contact form! We'd love to hear from you.