Today we partnered with Hairpin Legs for Less to bring you this DIY dining room table. We found this tutorial and gave it our own Dunn DIY twist. If you have a tiny home or apartment that can't hold a dining room table, never fear: We made a lovely hairpin coffee table project last year. It's simple, easy, and great for small spaces.
Step 1
Head to your local lumber store to pick out the perfect table top! We headed to the Latona Dunn Lumber, chose our plywood, had the cuts made, and picked up all our materials in one easy stop. (If you're planning on getting the lumber cut in-store there may be a wait time, so call ahead.)
Step 2
When we got home, it was time to sand. We recommend using an electric sander, to ensure the smoothest finish.
Step 3
We then used a damp cloth to wipe the sawdust off the surface of our table top.
Step 4
Next, we applied wood glue to the side sections B and C and flipped them onto side A, ensuring they were lined up correctly. Refer to the assembly chart at the top of this page to make sure you've got everything in the right place.
Step 5
Then it was time to pre-drill. Pre-drilling is important, as it ensures your tabletop won't split.
Step 6
Then, we secured the screws.
Step 7
We laid the cross-sections D, E, and F in place.
Step 8
Now, it was time to attach the legs. We chose "native turquoise" legs from Hairpin Legs for Less for our dining room table, but you can browse through their selection to find your own style. We measured where each leg would go, being sure to avoid any screws.
Step 9
Then, we secured the hairpin legs.
Step 10
We sanded the top and sides of the table to ensure a smooth finish.
Step 11
Then, we used a tack cloth to remove all the remaining sawdust. You can also use a damp rag or mineral spirits.
Step 12
If you wish to stain your table, now is the time. We skipped this step and went straight on to applying a finishing coat. We used a brush on water based polyurethane finish in semi-gloss. The water base means that the finish is no-odor, can be recoated after a couple hours, and goes on clear opposed to the golden tint of the oil based finish. We chose a brush on because on a wide flat surface it can be easier to get even coverage and a flat surface than when using a spray.
Follow the directions on the can for dry times, sanding in between coats, and using a synthetic vs. natural bristle brush.
Step 13
Now, enjoy making new memories with your dining room table!